by Dr April Armstrong | Nov 15, 2016 | Advice, Business, General practice
1. Know your MBS General practice is not about items 23, 36 & 44. There are at least 100 relevant billings in general practice so if you don’t know them, start learning. 2. Have a cheat sheet I have at least three general surgeons, three...
by Dr Jonathan Brown | Nov 14, 2016 | Advice, Property, Property investment
As medical professionals we are often guided toward residential property investment. It is recommended due to negative gearing as a tax saving mechanism and a tool to grow an asset base. As a first time investment property owner at the age of twenty I made a...
by Dr April Armstrong | Nov 13, 2016 | Advice, Property, Property investment, Taxation
Buying a brand new, perhaps not even built investment property, appears to have opportunities older properties don’t. As a rental property the process of picking the site and choosing a design can appear exciting. Deciding features, colours,...
by Dr Jonathan Brown | Oct 26, 2016 | Advice, Lifestyle
[apss_share] I have been a keen runner for years and love listening to podcasts to occupy my thoughts on long training runs. As I approach my late 30’s I am tending to run less and listen to podcasts on my commutes to and from work. As a small business owner...
by Dr April Armstrong | Oct 21, 2016 | Advice
Many doctors’ substantial personal and business incomes are whittled away by accounting and investment advisory fees. Many doctors pay substantially more taxes than required. Engaging doctors through social networks offers the opportunity to ask questions in a...