by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 25, 2016 | Advice, Lifestyle, Personal Wellbeing
Dr Jonathan Griffiths explains the value of General Practice in TEDxNantwich. An inspirational and passionate medical practitioners, educator and speaker. It is a common theme that as GPs we hear every day. “Just a GP” – I heard it from...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 25, 2016 | Advice, Lifestyle, Personal Wellbeing
Dr Sachin Patel is a GP, entrepreneur, coach and mentor. He has built several successful medical businesses. As a coach, he aims to help doctors find more fulfilment, happiness and success in all that they do. Sachin will be presenting on ‘Setting up your...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 21, 2016 | Advice, Business advice, Business for Doctors Conference, Financial Planning & Advice
CPD Course educator and business, brand and marketing specialist, Darrin Davies has travelled the country helping hundreds of practitioners to build successful practices. He’s not afraid of a healthy argument along the way. I am constantly surprised by two...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 21, 2016 | Advice, Financial advice for Doctors, Property, Property investment, Taxation
Understanding tax deductions against rental income can provide insight into the value of a potential investment. It can also avoid expenditure on upgrades and renovations that may not be tax deductible in the year they are incurred. Most investment properties are...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 18, 2016 | Advice, Business advice, Business for Doctors Conference
Dr George Forgan-Smith is a GP and medical educator who has built a strong online following for his blog and webpage The Healthy Bear, which addresses health issues within the gay community. Here is his story of how he connected with his target group and built a...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 18, 2016 | Advice, Banking, Borrowing money, Property
Many health professionals lack an understanding of the banking industry. Terms like ‘LVR’ are a mystery. As a result applications for finance become frustrating due to the paperwork and information that is required. The various loans, deposits, interest...