by Dr April Armstrong | Jan 27, 2017 | Advice, Business, Business advice
Your medical practice is only as good as your weakest link and staff can either make you or break you. So how do you get the best out of the staff who support you in your medical practice? We’ve put together a few tips on how to motivate and inspire your staff and...
by Dr April Armstrong | Jan 14, 2017 | Advice, Investments, Property, Property investment, Retirement planning
We all know that Doctors study for many years to become medical practitioners and the financial rewards are there for those who work hard. But is a good income, by itself, a guarantee of a healthy retirement? The answer is no. You need a Strategy MediGrow...
by Dr April Armstrong | Jan 14, 2017 | Advice, Business advice, Business for Doctors Conference
Not that long ago medical academics cautioned that the only form of advertising Doctors needed for their practices was word of mouth. The theory was that if you provided excellence in patient care then they, the patients, would stay and new patients, hearing of the...
by Dr April Armstrong | Jan 4, 2017 | Advice, Business advice
How do I build and maintain a successful team? It’s a question with one of the most elusive answers in the business world. And even when the right combination comes together, almost anything can upset the delicate balance. So some reliable data on how to...
by Dr April Armstrong | Jan 4, 2017 | Advice, Business, Business for Doctors Conference, Career, Financial Planning & Advice
Successful businesses are rarely accidental and those that are frequently are short lived (although I will exclude Facebook from that list). Writing a marketing plan is a key aspect of a successful business. What is a business plan? In brief a business...
by Dr April Armstrong | Dec 28, 2016 | Advice, Property, Property investment
Understand the purpose of the investment and stick within your budget. If your investment is primarily as a tax offset then the property would be negative geared: as a capital growth asset and a high risk area, it should be a positively geared asset as it will most...